
Magnetic Personalities: HappyLand cast + crew talk work weirdness

For each production at TMT, we like to ask our cast and crew members a few questions, so we and you can get to know them better! Some questions are standard. Some are specific to the show these folks are working on. Some are biographical, some are philosophical, and some are completely off the wall! But all of these questions provide a little insight into the wonderful artists that make up our Magnetic community.

Today we asked: What's the weirdest thing that's ever happened to you while at work?

See what they had to say, then grab your tickets and come see them in HappyLand, February 10th - 25th!


Jason Phillips, Director

When I was just out of college I worked at a deli and did on foot deliveries in downtown Austin. One day I was trapped on an elevator for almost two hours with 3 office workers. By the end of the first hour they had started a bidding war for my lunch. This was also pre prevalent cell phone usage so my boss thought I’d just walked off the job.


Gina McDaniel, Actor

I used to work hotel front desk at a conference center, and there was a room behind the desk with a small hallway that guests couldn't see. I arrived for the evening shift one day and there were giant flowers made out of tubing and cardboard standing in the middle of the room, and the morning shift person said they were there when they arrived that morning. We never found out where the flowers came from, and they disappeared by my next shift.


Tippin, Set Designer/Builder/Painter

About a decade ago I was managing the picture framing department in a big box craft store, and I somehow got routed a phone call from a customer asking if we sold wooden paddles. They wanted a LOT of information about our wooden paddles. I’m pretty sure I heard heavy breathing. I still don’t know who it was or why one of my coworkers sent that call to me, but I’d like to thank them ‘cause it cracks me up to this day.


Elyse Harvey, Actor

I work as a part-time nanny for a couple different families which means weird/hilarious things happen constantly! The list is endless but as a most recent example, the other day, the toddler twins I watch suddenly felt a strong need to show tenderness to the stroller while on a walk. They showered it with several hugs, kisses, and gentle pats, and then continued on their walk. It was very sweet of course but also… weirdos. I love them.


Dwight Chiles, Actor

Weirdest thing at work... hmm... served brunch to a table full of NFL players. They each tipped 100 bucks to all of the servers in the restaraunt but I had no idea who it was. Lol. Still couldn't tell you who it was...


Sharvis Smith, Actor

Being asked if I was old enough to have a job.


Evan Eckstrom, Actor, Set Designer/Builder/Painter

A couple came to my coffee shop late 2019 for their anniversary lunch/dinner. They spent $75 on various lox bagels, muffins, and cookies. About 2 hours later, after having a truly joyous time at the front window, they tipped my coworker and I with a quarter ounce of pot and went on their way. I want to write their story sometime.


Paula O’Brien, Actor

A Tardis landed outside my window…

Curious what’s got Paula reminiscing about the Tardis? Wondering how all these folks (and the rest of the cast & crew) wound up working in theatre? Interested to find out what these triple threats rock out to when they’re not singin’ and dancin’ through HappyLand? Keep an eye out for more Q&A with these Magnetic Personalities, coming soon!