Caroling by Gaslight
Written and Directed by Skyler Goff
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2021 was the year I lifted my eyes to the heavens and screamed, "I hate Christmas!"
Never, ever, in my 34 years have I ever uttered those words and yet, after all the political nonsense, global pandemics, discontent with my online liquidation business, and my official depression diagnosis, I don't know why I was surprised. But I was. And not just surprised, but incredibly sad.
I love A Christmas Carol. I LOVE it. It is a story that has always resonated with me and given me hope when I felt at my lowest. But while A Christmas Carol is arguably his most recognized work, Charles Dickens wrote other novels that capture the reality of his London. Stories like Oliver Twist, David Copperfield, and Little Dorrit are full of some of the most vile, repugnant, and sadistic characters put on paper. (I would gladly take One Hundred Ebenezer Scrooges over one Bill Sikes or Uriah Heep any day of the week.) The city of London was brimming with child labor, short life expectancy, and devastating poverty. Not to mention the workhouses, where the food and quarters were intentionally made miserable so as not to encourage people to take a handout. Some things never change.
In the end, I wrote this play for three reasons. The first was to provide The Magnetic with a Holiday Show worthy of the slot and the company. The second was for my lovely bride, Ashleigh. She hates A Christmas Carol as much as I love it and I have always promised her I would direct a version she would enjoy. (In case you were wondering what her tastes are... here you go.) The third reason was because I wanted to. Needed to. I didn't realize how much anger, hatred, fear, and doubt had built up inside of me until I put it all on the page. The end result is a play that I hope makes people laugh, discourages deep thought, and simply gives us permission to shake off the absolute nightmare of the last few years. But make no mistake, without this amazing group of trusting and talented people bringing their enthusiastic consent to every rehearsal, this play simply wouldn't work.
This play is for them; for the cast and crew who not only said 'yes', but 'Fuck Yes'. Without their passion and curiosity, my depression would have won and I would retire as a miser for the rest of my days. God bless them. Every One.
P.S. To the very kind Mickey Poandl, who wrote a glowing review for SPANKO! A Tex-Mex Commedia Musical, (my Fringe piece about a serial spanker) from 2020 where he said 'You don’t have to be Freud to make certain assumptions about the creators’ predilections' ... What would Sigmund have to say about this one?
Skyler Goff is a published author, educator, online merchant, and actor. He has performed for and worked with children in schools all over the country, specializing in programs involving horror, escape room building, and zombie survival. He would like to give special thanks to his wonderful family. Without their constant support, open minds, and flair for the dramatic, this show would never have existed. He also wants to thank his partner in crime and passion, Ashleigh Goff, who accepts him at his best and his worst and, more importantly, makes him laugh on a daily basis.
Take a look at the Caroling by Gaslight trailer!
See what audiences had to say about Caroling by Gaslight!
Take a look at the outtake version of the Caroling by Gaslight trailer!
click or hover over a photo to see bio
Director…………………………..…………………..Skyler Goff
Stage Manager………………..………………Jess Johnson
Set Designer & Builder…………………Tyler Johnson
Scenic Designer & Painter………….Jess Johnson
Scenic Painter……………………….……..…Jess Johnson & Erinn Hartley
Sound Designer………………………………Skyler Goff
Lighting Designer…………………………Abby Auman
Props Designer………………………………..Skyler Goff
Costume Designer…………………………Ashleigh Goff
Dramaturgy………………….…………………..Ashleigh Goff
Intimacy Choreographer..………….Laura Rikard
Fight Choreographer……………………Strother Stingley
ABBY AUMAN (Lighting Designer) - Abby is the Technical Director of The Magnetic Theatre. She also works as a lighting designer in theaters all over WNC.
ASHLEIGH GOFF (Costume Designer/Dramaturgy) - Ashleigh has been doing theater in one way, shape, or form for over 20 years. She's acted, designed, crewed, stage managed, directed, and taught. Most recently, she directed Starbright on The Magnetic stage and was last seen on-stage as Colombia in 'Spanko: A Tex-Mex Commedia' way WAY back. Most notably, Ashleigh is the Founding Artistic Director of The Moppets, an all youth Shakespeare theater company, which she is extremely proud of and highly recommends you see their family friendly production of A Christmas Carol. A big thank you to her husband Skyler, for always being himself and sharing this insanely wonderful project with her, which may have finally gotten her to enjoy A Christmas Carol...... maybe.
SKYLER GOFF (Director/Sound Designer/Props Designer) - Skyler Goff is a published author, educator, online merchant, and actor. He has performed for and worked with children in schools all over the country, specializing in programs involving horror, escape room building, and zombie survival. He would like to give special thanks to his wonderful family. Without their constant support, open minds, and flair for the dramatic, this show would never have existed. He also wants to thank his partner in crime and passion, Ashleigh Goff, who accepts him at his best and his worst and, more importantly, makes him laugh on a daily basis.
ERINN HARTLEY (Scenic Painter) - Erinn is the Executive Artistic Director and Founder of Anam Cara Theatre Company, the Artistic Director of the Asheville Fringe Arts Festival, and the Education Director at LEAF Global Arts. Additionally, since moving to Asheville in 2008, Erinn has worked as a freelance designer, director, scenic artist, actor, and educator in companies that include NC Stage, Attic Salt Theatre Company, Asheville Community Theatre, and Brightstar Touring Theatre. Prior to Asheville she lived and worked in the Twin Cities and Ohio.
JESS JOHNSON (Stage Manager/Scenic Painter) - Jess has worked in theatre since the early 2000s, primarily as a stage manager, but also as a director, props and scenic designer, and dramaturg. In addition to her behind the scenes theatre work, she has a background in nonprofit development, works for the nonprofit software company Neon One, and currently serves as the Co-Artistic Director for The Magnetic Theatre.
TYLER JOHNSON (Set Designer & Builder) - Tyler is a woodworker and furniture designer who moonlights as a set designer. When not figuring out ways to transform spaces, he’s busy taking big pieces of wood, turning them into smaller pieces of wood, then sometimes turning them back into big pieces of wood. You can see some of his work on Instagram at @tothebonewoodworking.
LAURA RIKARD (Intimacy Choreographer) - Laura Rikard, MFA, MA (SAG-AFTRA/AEA/SDC) is an intimacy choreographer and coordinator, director, actor and professor. She is Co-Founder and Head Faculty of Theatre Intimacy Education. Laura choreographs, consults, and teaches workshops on best practices for staging intimacy for professional and educational theatre and film across the country. She serves as the primary Intimacy Choreographer for the University of North Carolina School of the Arts. She is served as Intimacy Coordinator in film and television. Intimacy Coordinator credits film credits include: Mother’s Instinct (Jessica Chastain & Anne Hathaway), Anything’s Possible, Interview With A Vampire, Anne Rice’s Mayfair Witches, Appendage, and Harlem. Intimacy Choreographer credits include: West Side Story (Flat Rock Playhouse), Guess Who Is Coming To Dinner (Flat Rock Playhouse), Skeleton Crew (Bristol Riverside Theatre), among others. She is a contributor to the first book on theatre intimacy, Staging Sex: Best Practices, Tools and Techniques for Theatrical Intimacy by Chelsea Pace. As a director and actor, she has worked in film and television, NYC, regionally, on national tours, internationally and devised solo productions. She is an Assistant Professor of Theatre at the University of South Carolina Upstate. She is a recipient of the Best Acting award at the Virginia Film and has been named by Academic Keys as a "Who's Who in Fine Arts Education" Festival. She has served on faculty at Stephen F. Austin State University, Brown University, and the University of Miami. She received her MA in Acting from Liverpool Institute for Performing Arts, MFA in Drama from the University of Virginia and her BA in Theatre from the College of Charleston. She is the mom of four-year-old twins. She is based in Asheville, NC.
STROTHER STINGLEY (Fight Choreographer) - Strother has been performing professionally for 16 years, in roles ranging from comedian to villain, Scottish middle-aged man to Southern octogenarian to deranged dentist and so on. He's performed locally and has toured the US Northeast and Midwest. Musicals, comedies, straight plays, improv... whatever the genre, he finds fulfillment in it. He holds a bachelor's in theatre from FSU and has learned a great deal more on various stages (and a few screens).
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Missy Bell
Eli Hamilton (check out their work here)
Little Jumbo (check out their Caroling by Gaslight specialty cocktails during the run of the show)
Aaron and Gus Ballard