For each production at TMT, we like to ask our cast and crew members a few questions, so we and you can get to know them better! Some questions are standard. Some are specific to the show these folks are working on. Some are biographical, some are philosophical, and some are completely off the wall! But all of these questions provide a little insight into the wonderful artists that make up our Magnetic community.
See what these colorful creatives have to say, then grab your tickets and come see them in The Splatter Play, now extended through October 28!
Today we asked the ensemble: You're stranded in an evil villain's lab. What's the one thing you take with you to survive? DO you survive??
Melon Wedick, The Realtor
I bring a lab coat, so I can blend in!
I now work for the evil villain full time, no benefits. Sigh.
Skyler Goff, Dr. Diabolus/Romero Abbums
A book of 101 Tips for Performing.
Jered Shults, Box Office Manager, D4-DDY, Agent
Captain America and yes I do survive!
Jason Phillips, Uncle Ivill
Mind control spray.
Oh, I will survive, just turn around now ‘cause you’re not welcome any more!
Evan Eckstrom, Stage Manager
My vape pen. I'd survive a series of near (and inadvertent) misses, but no I'd bite it for sure.
I think I'd be to excited about the contraptions to realize I was in danger.
Zach Knox, Composer
Drink every available liquid. I’ll either transform into the most terrifying monster in the lab, or I’ll die - denying the monsters the satisfaction of killing me themselves.
Daniel Moore, Hames Blonde
The Ultimate Nullifier!
Don’t worry, fans of Victor Von Doom will get that reference.
Erin McCarson, Mr. Levinsky
Ashleigh Goff, Mother Ironwood/Lethalia Abbums
A copy of Grays Anatomy.
I will assimilate!!
Dwight Chiles, Harlowe Dexter-Ward/Mom
My best friend, Erin McCarson.
We do not.
Quinn Terry, Production Assistant
I would quit immediately.
There would be no question of fighting to survive, my heart would simply stop!
And here’s what some other members of our amazing crew said (they defied all attempts at photos!)
Brandon McIver (Set/Special Effects): My evil villain disguise. Fingers crossed.
Abby Auman (Playwright/Light Design): The power of love. No evil villain can resist my charms. Then I take the lab in the divorce.
Amanda Brown (Set Design/Pooky Egg Crafter): I don't trust my reflexes to handle a gun so probably something like a hammer. I'd like to think I would survive but I can't even send my food back.
Wow….what a sampling of the human condition.
Get your tickets and come see if YOU could survive!