For each production at TMT, we like to ask our cast and crew members a few questions, so we and you can get to know them better! Some questions are standard. Some are specific to the show these folks are working on. Some are biographical, some are philosophical, and some are completely off the wall! But all of these questions provide a little insight into the wonderful artists that make up our Magnetic community.
See what these colorful creatives have to say, then grab your tickets and come see them in New Queer’s Eve, opening this Friday, 12/1!!
Today we asked the ensemble: Finish the reference: "What's the straightest thing you've ever done?" (Pssst….click here to get the context before seeing how badly the cast did on this one!)
Adam Olson | Performer
Have sex with my girlfriend.
Dwight Chiles | Director
Tossing the football in the yard with my Dad. It was one of my favorite things to do with him. I think he really loved it too. It was all about give and take. Maybe that's not the right phrase. I would give him a little football time and he would take me to see a musical. Haha.
Luca Hinton | Performer
I guess I’m just too gay to understand this reference.
Quinn Terry | Performer
*short pause* I killed a guy.
Erin McCarson | Performer
My husband.
Dakota Mann | Stage Manager
Apologies. I'm an uncultured swine, cause I don't know my memes at all...
Morgan Miller | Performer
Have sex with men.
Rachel Fralick | Performer
“I killed a guy.”
Our amazing costume designer, Kayren McKnight: “My whole life, pretty much.”
Well….only two of the cast got it. Trixie and Katya are so disappointed. Once again, if you want to be in on the reference, click here!
Get your tickets for New Queer’s Eve and listen to Quinn mock the rest of the cast for being out of date on their internet memery and also on reading a question in full, apparently!