Getting to Know the Cast of Traitor: CJ Breland, John Baldwin, Tate Albert, and Blaine Greenfield

A couple of questions with a few of our cast members from our upcoming production of Traitor. 

CJ Breland

1. In what ways are you alike/ and or different from your character? 

I knit. That's about it for our similarities. I think I am much more loyal than Jenn is.

2. What has been the biggest challenge taking on this role?

She is a bit lighter than the characters I normally play, but that has been really enjoyable for me.

3. What’s your favorite line in this script (It can be from anyone)?

My character has silly exit lines that I really enjoy. The first is "Well, I'm out like a light bulb!"

4. How is working at The Magnetic Theatre different from working at other theatres in the area?

Having your own space to perform is definitely a plus. I enjoy working in small spaces with an intimate audience.

5. What has been your favorite part of this process so far?

I have enjoyed getting to work with people I didn't know before starting the rehearsal process. Also, Ibsen's "An Enemy of the People" is a play I have considered adapting to modern times myself, so it has been great to explore Brett Neveu's version. 

6. If you could play any character in any show, what would be your dream part?

I would love to play Eleanor of Aquitaine in "The Lion in Winter" and Margaret in "Richard III." Actually, I am pretty much up for any part that is well-written. 

7. How did you get into theatre?

I directed my own script for "Cinderella" at age 12. I talked neighborhood kids into performing in it, and the newspaper sent out a reporter to do a human interest story. I didn't do theatre again until college, then I spent 35 years teaching and directing in high school. 

8. Do you know what your next project will be?If so, what can we see you working on next?

I'm going to take a little break to do some traveling, but I will be scouting for projects by summer. 


CJ Breland (Jenn Sheffer) is happy to be back at the Magnetic Theatre, where she performed in Ruth, the first show in MT’s original location.  CJ has appeared locally with Black Mountain Center for the Arts, Asheville Community Theatre, Different Strokes!, SART, Parkway Playhouse, Immediate Theatre Project, and in several NC Stage Company Catalyst Series productions.  She retired in June 2019 after 35 years teaching high school Theatre Arts, the last 19 as Theatre Director at Asheville High School. CJ is a member of NC Theatre Arts Educators, where she is on the NC Young Playwrights committee, and past director of the NC Educational Theatre Association.  She is a proud founding board member of Different Strokes! Performing Arts Collective. CJ is excited about the time retirement is affording her to participate in and support the Asheville theatre community.  

John Baldwin

1. In what ways are you alike/ and or different from your character?

Howard is an avowed capitalist, a man of business. I spent more than 30 years working in the non-profit world, mostly in academia, as a fundraiser.

2. What has been the biggest challenge taking on this role? 

Hoping that rehab from knee-replacement surgery in January would allow me to actually be ready for the opening. So far, so good.

3. What’s your favorite line in this script (It can be from anyone)? 

And f*** you, Madame Mayor (sorry, but I just love saying it).

4. How is working at The Magnetic Theatre different from working at other theatres in the area? 

This is only my 4th show in the area since arriving in May 2019, my 2nd at Magnetic. I feel at home here.

5. What has been your favorite part of this process so far? 

Actually, it's been watching and getting to know the other actors, none of whom I had worked with before.

6. If you could play any character in any show, what would be your dream part?  

There are several I could mention, but absolutely loved playing the marvelous role of Africaans minister, Marius Byleveld, in the amazing play, "The Road to Mecca".

7. How did you get into theatre? 

I started in the second grade and have been doing it ever since.

8. Do you know what your next project will be? If so, what can we see you working on next? 

I am set to direct a one-act for Magnetic at the new One-Act Festival and will also be directing a staged reading here in July.


John Baldwin (Howard Kihl) is pleased to be returning Magnetic Theatre where he recently appeared as Uncle Ronny in Mountain Political Action Committee. He recently moved from the S.F Bay Area where he acted and directed for more than 20 years. His favorite directing gig: Vanya and Sonia and Masha and Spike.  Favorite roles include Hogan in A Moon For The Misbegotten, Mr. Rice in Molly Sweeney, Joe Keller in All My Sons, Governor Danforth in The Crucible, and Marius Byleveld in The Road to Mecca.

Tate Albert

1. In what ways are you alike/ and or different from your character?

I’m not like Dr. Tom Stock. He’s got a PhD and is an egomaniac. I can be a bit of an asshole, just ask my wife.
2. What has been the biggest challenge taking on this role? My biggest challenge has been the long drive to rehearsals in Asheville. 

3. What’s your favorite line in this script (It can be from anyone)? 

 Just everybody jeez! 

 4. How is working at The Magnetic Theatre different from working at other theatres in the area? 

 I like the fact that they compensate artists for their time. 

 5. What has been your favorite part of this process so far? 

 I like the social aspect of working with fellow thespians. 

6. If you could play any character in any show, what would be your dream part?  

I would like to do more musicals. I’d like to play Willy Wonka or Billy Flynn (from Chicago). 

7. How did you get into theatre? 

I took an acting class as an elective in college. 

8. Do you know what your next project will be? If so, what can we see you working on next? 

I don’t know.


Tate Albert (Tom Stock) is thrilled to be performing in his first show at Magnetic Theatre. As a seasoned actor, he has enjoyed playing many characters on stage.  Some of his favorites are the sadistic dentist, Orin Scrivello in Little Shop of Horrors, Frederick Fellowes in Noises Off!, and Rev. Shaw in Footloose: The Musical.  Tate enjoys the technical side of theater, as well, and will be the sound designer/mixer for Magnetic's The Sparrow and the Whippoorwill this summer.

Blaine Greenfield 

1. In what ways are you alike/ and or different from your character?


participated in hundreds, if not thousands, of similar meetings. Seem to dress alike.

 Different: I know the parliamentary procedure and when to make and not make meetings. I know how to keep meetings running smoothly, having run many over the years I know how to keep crowds calm; e.g., I'd never let the bunch of fronts like they do at this particular meeting.

2. What has been the biggest challenge taking on this role? 

 Learning dialogue. (still not one of my strengths, so I appreciate the fact that David has said I could read my report, though I pretty much have it down). In reality, most such reports at almost always read, and that's what the dialogue seems to call for.

I'm also having trouble on where I’m supposed to jump in when somebody else is speaking, but I'll get better at that.

3. What’s your favorite line in this script (It can be from anyone)? 

When CJ goes order, order, order....she is fantastic!

4. How is working at The Magnetic Theatre different from working at other theatres in the area? 

Enjoying it to date. But that said, I only have limited experience with other theaters ...having only been at ACT and Attic Salt. Only negative comment, several times, the rehearsal space at magnetic was cold.

5. What has been your favorite part of this process so far? 

Being asked to be in play. The way rehearsals are being conducted and the use of humor. The fact that I have not had to be at all rehearsals. (Much appreciated.)

6. If you could play any character in any show, what would be your dream part?  

Joe Hardy, the old guy not the young guy, in Damn Yankees, but way too big a part for me, and I don't have the voice to carry it off. Something where I have a cameo appearance with few lines and not a lot of rehearsal time. Perfect for me: Young Frankenstein. I had one line! I also love the show The Happy Time. Maybe playing the uncle/David Wayne role...but again, way too big a role for me. That said, I would love somebody to do the show in this area. If you're not familiar with it: 

7. How did you get into theatre? 

Took a theatre class in college and had to read the new york times (theatre section) and been hooked ever since. See a lot of local theatre. Like writing about it in my BLAINESWORLD blog. And I now like featuring it on my BLAINESWORLD radio show.

8. Do you know what your next project will be? If so, what can we see you working on next? 

The Happy Together Revue at Attic Salt on April 25 & April 26 where I will both emcee and produce it. 


Blaine Greenfield (Bill Strand) has appeared in Business Sings Broadway, Young Frankenstein, Hands on a Hardbody and most recently in Return to Bethlehem. He has also served as an emcee and/or producer of several local shows. Blaine is a retired marketing professor who now is an active community volunteer. In addition, he hosts the BLAINESWORLD show on WPVM and publishes a blog with the same name. He lives in Fairview with his beautiful bride Cynthia and their one cat Lovey.

 Traitor runs March 13th - 28th at The Magnetic Theatre in Asheville, NC. For tickets and more information, click here: