A Few Questions with Court of the Grandchildren Actor Stan Baranowski

Court of the Grandchildren opens April 8, 2022! In this production, it’s 2051, the older generation that accelerated climate change is being brought to trial. And climate activist Lily thinks she has it all figured out. Until she meets her great uncle, David, who changes her perspective completely. He’s a man from today. She’s a woman from tomorrow. How will she judge him?

We reached out to actor Stan Baranowski to find out more about him and his experience working on this production. 

1. What do you imagine 2051 will be like compared to how it's portrayed in the script?

At the moment, I think 2051 will unfortunately be very similar to what happens in the play. Climate change is still not being taken as seriously as it should be and, as in the play, the countries in the world seem to have a hard time agreeing on what should be done.

2. Do you relate to your character or to any character in the show? How similar / different are you?

I am not like David as we see him in most of the play. I'll just leave it at that.

3. Do you have any rituals you follow when rehearsing for or performing in a show?

I do spend a lot of time walking around my house as I'm learning my lines, if that counts as a ritual.

4. Do you love or hate AI and "technology"? Why?

As a retired IT guy, I love "technology" but I have some reservations about AI. I think we still have some work to do on how to protect everyone's privacy while we maximize the usefulness of AI.

5. How did you get into theatre?

Long story, but here's the short version: when I was in college my best friend had gotten into NYU Film School and he used me as an actor in a couple of his films. That sparked my interest and I changed my major to Theatre (actually Speech & Theater at the time).


Working somewhat in reverse of the usual, Stan actually started acting in NYC before he moved first to Virginia and then here to Asheville, acting in various theaters all the way. One of his favorite roles was as part of the Ensemble in Indecent here at the Magnetic in August 2019. Fun fact: he is 2 degrees of Alec Guiness.

Court of the Grandchildren is showing at The Magnetic Theatre in Asheville, NC April 8-23, 2022. Grab your tickets here: https://app.arts-people.com/index.php?show=132321