A Few Questions with The Frankenstein Rubrics Director Doug Savitt

The Frankenstein Rubrics is showing at The Magnetic Theatre October 7-22! We reached out to Doug Savitt to find out more about him and his experience working on this production.

What's your favorite line in the show? Why?

There are so many great ones it's hard to choose. I'm gonna go with this "You were kind. You were funny. You were a good friend to us and that wasn't always easy. Some things take a while to recall." I love this line because of its truth regarding reflection and empathy.

How did you get into theatre?

My junior year of high school the theatre department was putting on Fiddler on the Roof as their spring musical. Being one, if not the only, Jewish kid in the school my dad suggested I should audition. And thus I became a bottle dancer and new member of the theatre community.

Have you done any research or read any books / listened to any interesting podcasts related to the play's subject matter that you'd recommend?

Oh boy....I've swallowed the red pill and gone down the rabbit hole. The first thing you find when you start researching Frankenstein is there appears to be a never-ending source of information, not to mention the ever-expanding adaptions that continue to be created, including this play. I’ve surrounded myself with books, podcast, movies, and any media I can access to learn as much as I can in preparation, and just general intrigue and curiosity, for this play. Something important to note is that Frankenstein was published three times in Mary Shelley’s life and there are two different versions: 1818 and 1831. The 1831 is the most widely popular one today. For a good easy but informative read I would recommend The Strange True Tale of Frankenstein’s Creator: Mary Shelley by Catherine Reef.


Doug (He/Him) is an Actor/Director currently living and working in the Western North Carolina area. He holds a B.A. in Theatre from UNC Charlotte and spent a few years exploring Chicago before returning to the mountains. You may have previously seen his direction in Nocturne and Gruesome Playground Injuries at Haywood Arts Regional Theatre (HART). He last appeared on stage in The Magnetic Theatre’s Indecent. He would like to thank his cast/crew for all their hard work and his wife and son for their support while he pursues his dreams. Special thanks also go to his cats for keeping him company while he stayed up late researching Frankenstein. Thank you for supporting The Magnetic Theatre and enjoy the show!

The Frankenstein Rubrics is showing October 7-22, 2022! Grab your tickets here: https://app.arts-people.com/index.php?show=132412