Drunk Christmas

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Drunk Christmas, written by James McLindon and directed by Katie Jones, is one of the pieces being performed in our next production, Getting Through the HoliDaze!

This virtual showing will feature short films based around holiday themes, selected from submissions by writers around the country. Directed by Jessica Johnson, Katie Jones, and Rodney Smith, and hosted by George Awad. These performances will make you laugh, make you cry, and will most certainly get you into the spirit of the season.

We reached out to some of the cast, playwright, and director with a few questions about this production and to tell us a little bit about themselves.

James McLindon (Playwright)

1. What is your favorite holiday and why?

Christmas for many, many reasons, not the least of which is that it comes at the time of year when we need a holiday with family and friends the most, and this year even more so.

2. Do you relate to your character? How similar/different are you?

I probably could not be more different than the middle-aged female alcoholic and the rebellious 16-year-old goth, and yet I think their pain caused by their imperfect families and their imperfect selves is mine and everyone's.

3. What's your favorite line in the piece you're working on? Why?

"I didn't say stop." The older woman has stopped singing Silent Night in an admittedly terrible voice, but stopped when the girl makes fun of her. The girl then says, "I didn't say stop." The inability of these characters to say what they mean, related to their inability to even be civil because that would make them too vulnerable, is what draws me to them.

James McLindon - photo by Joey Stocks - James McLindon.jpg

4. What's your favorite holiday season movie or play?

A Christmas Carol. We live in an age of irony, myself very much included, but sometimes we need a dose of sentiment and unadulterated goodness to keep us from despair.

5. How did you get into theatre?

I began writing sketch comedy in college and then had a couple of plays produced in Chicago with my writing partner. I then went to law school and practiced full time for a while, becoming a partner at my firm, before returning to writing for a theater again.

6. Do you have any upcoming projects that we should check out?

I have a number of them, details for which can be found on my website, jamesmclindon.com. Here are a couple: with a Holiday theme, a Zoom production of my one-act, SANTA NOIR will be produced as part of KrisP. Productions Once Upon A Christmas Festival, streaming from Hong Kong on Dec. 19 and another Zoom production this one of my one-act, JOYEUX NOEL, will be produced by Bell Road Barn Players’ An Awkwardly Distanced Christmas Festival, coming from Kansas City, MO on Dec. 7-14. For full lengths, my WHEN WE GET GOOD AGAIN and DISTANT MUSIC will be produced live in 2021 by New Works at New Deal at the New Deal Creative Arts Center, Hyde Park, NY and the Actors Community Theater of Seymour (ACTS), Seymour, IN respectively. Dates TBA as soon as the pandemic abates.


James McLindon (Playwright) - James McLindon is a member of the Nylon Fusion Theater Co. in New York. When We Get Good Again won the Playhouse on the Square’s New Works @ The Works competition and premiered there in Memphis this past January, winning an Ostrander Theatre Award for Best Original Script. His play, Salvation, was developed at PlayPenn and premiered in New York, Giovanna Sardelli directing, to critical acclaim in the New York Times and elsewhere. Comes a Faery was developed at the O’Neill National Playwrights Conference, Sean Daniels directing, was a finalist for the Humana Festival, and was premiered at the New Ohio Theatre by Nylon Fusion. Mr. McLindon’s plays have been developed and/or produced at theaters such as the O’Neill (selection and six-time semifinalist), PlayPenn, Victory Gardens, Lark, Abingdon, hotINK Festival, Irish Repertory, Samuel French Festival, Edinburgh Fringe Festival, New Rep, Lyric Stage, Boston Playwrights, Local Theatre, Telluride Playwrights Festival, Great Plains Theatre Conference, and Seven Devils. His plays have been published by Dramatic Publishing, Smith & Kraus, and Applause Books and produced all over the world including London, Edinburgh, Ireland, Australia, the Philippines, Luxembourg, India, Dubai and Estonia.

Katie Jones (Director)

1. What is your favorite holiday and why?

Christmas, because I love all the holiday festivities and flavors, spending time with family, and finding gifts for people I love.

2. What's your favorite holiday season movie or play?

The Muppet Christmas Carol

3. What are the challenges of performing for a filmed show versus a live one?

I've never made a film, so it's all new! Rather than thinking about flow and pace, I find myself thinking about angles and how shots can be edited together. There are a LOT of moving parts. Luckily, I have actors who are willing to help!

4. What makes this experience special for you?

Trying something completely new, with actors who are more than willing to take a leap of faith. Persevering in the face of major adversity.

Katie Jones, Headshot - Katie Jones.jpg

5. What's your favorite winter beverage?

Gluhwein - Red Wine, Cinnamon, Orange, Star Anise, Nutmeg, Ginger. Then, just heat it up!

6. How did you get into theatre?

I was Gladys Herdman in a school production of The Best Christmas Pageant Ever when I was seven years old.

7. How is working with The Magnetic different from working with other theatres?

I love the focus on community and original work. It feels so different than just executing a pre-existing script.

8. Do you have any upcoming projects that we should check out?

Magnetic is having Season Auditions in January (virtually). Stay tuned!


Katie Jones (Director) - Katie serves as Artistic Director of The Magnetic Theatre. She has worked with regional theatres in Sarasota, Chicago and Denver, as a director, performer and educator. Katie specializes in new play development and is an alumnus of Directors Lab New York and Chicago. Katie has a BA from Clemson University and an MFA from Naropa University. In 2008, she founded Wishbone Theatre Collective - a group that collaborates on socio-political devised work. Locally, she's worked with Asheville Creative Arts, Asheville Improv Collective, and Asheville Fringe.

Ava Atwood (Girl)

1. What is your favorite holiday and why?

I'd have to say Halloween! I love getting dressed up and getting crafty with decorations and costumes.

2. Do you relate to your character? How similar/different are you?

A little! We're the same age, and both a bit snarky.

3. What's your favorite line in the piece you're working on? Why?

Hmmmm... I'd say "are you deaf? I had like, 20 tictacs!" because it makes me laugh. A second close contender would be "I just so happen to be on the way home from Fuck You," but I'm not sure if that's blog appropriate.

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4. What's your favorite holiday season movie or play?

I love A Nightmare Before Christmas, and we always watch Elf every year.

5. What are the challenges of performing for a filmed show versus a live one?

It's a totally different format! I think the hardest part to get used to is having to take multiple shots of each scene/line, but it's not that bad!

6. What makes this experience special for you?

I get to work with my mother! I also haven't ever worked with this theater, so I'm excited to be a part of it!

7. What's your favorite winter beverage?

Peppermint tea or homemade almond milk hot chocolate! To make it, just dump some milk, sugar, cocoa powder, and a dash of vanilla or cinnamon in a pot until it tastes how you want it to.

8. How did you get into theatre?

I've been doing theater my entire life! I did a show with my mother when I was very young, and from there I just kept working with different groups and people. I've been consistently working with The Montford Moppets for eight years.

9. How is working with The Magnetic different from working with other theatres?

I haven't done much with them, but if anything I'd say they're more organized than some of the other theaters I've worked with! I really like the people I've met.


Ava Atwood (Girl) - Ava Atwood is a highschool student who has been acting their entire life. They have lived in Asheville forever, and have been participating in youth Shakespeare and other theater productions for eight years. Ava has worked with Anam Cara theater company, the Montford Park Players, The Montford Moppets, Mouse House Productions, and backstage at ACT. They also enjoy film production and screen acting. Ava loves making music and writing, and if their theater dreams fall to pieces, they plan on pursuing a musical career.

Getting through the HoliDaze is streaming virtually from The Magnetic Theatre in Asheville, NC December 17th-19th at 7:30pm! Grab your tickets here: https://app.arts-people.com/index.php?show=119167