A Chat With Alchemy Comedy Theatre Founder, Harrison Brookie

A chat with Harrison Brookie about his Using True Stories to Create Improved Comedy Workshop here at The Magnetic Theatre during our first ever Weekend of Love Improv Workshop Series February 14th - 15th, 2020. 

Hey Harrison! So, what can potential students expect to take away from one of your improv workshops?

One of the key components of long-form improv is building on ideas that have already been created. Students will get some practical ways to heighten and then get on their feet and try it.

What is it about true stories or monologues that make such good fodder for improv scenes?

The best thing to build on is solid ground. True in life and true in comedy. A true story from the past is like a really good improv scene. Relatable. Detailed. Memorable.

What’s the biggest challenge improvisors face when trying to create scenes from a real story?

A common pitfall is attempting to reenact the story. Audiences don't want to see that. They already know it. Instead, we've got to grow, heighten, and blow it out.

Is there a personal story or scene that stands out from your many years playing with Alchemy’s Local Legends? Maybe something that had an effect on you?

At this point we've done over 500 shows. That's thousands of stories. I can honestly say almost all of them were great. Only exception, poop stories. One that stands out in my memory is a local advertising executive who had a stutter growing up. He told a story about one of his first big public speaking events. His father was in the audience. It was powerful. Then our amazing team made it real funny for everyone.


Alchemy Comedy Theater founder Harrison Brookie has been performing in some version of a storytelling inspired improv show for almost a decade. He is currently on the cast of Alchemy's longest-running show, Local Legends.

Catch Harrison Brookie at venues across the east coast, and keep an eye out for details of next year’s Weekend of Love Improv Workshop Series and Shows!