Old Aquatics

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Old Aquatics, written by Steven Korbar and directed by Jessica Johnson, is one of the pieces being performed in our next production, Getting Through the HoliDaze!

This virtual showing will feature short films based around holiday themes, selected from submissions by writers around the country. Directed by Jessica Johnson, Katie Jones, and Rodney Smith, and hosted by George Awad. These performances will make you laugh, make you cry, and will most certainly get you into the spirit of the season.

We reached out to the cast and playwright with a few questions about this production and to tell us a little bit about themselves.

Steven Korbar (Playwright)

1. What is your favorite holiday?


2. Do you relate to your character? How similar/different are you?

I find a bit of myself in both the characters in "Old Aquatics".

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3. What's your favorite holiday season movie or play?

"It's a Wonderful Life"

4. What's your favorite winter beverage?


5. How did you get into theatre?

I can't do anything else.


Steven Korbar (Playwright) - Steven’s full-length and one-act plays have been produced throughout the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, and Australia. His short plays, Table for Four, Mrs. Jansen Isn’t Here Now, and What are You Going to Be? have all been published in Smith and Kraus’ “Best Short Plays” series.

Ana-Alicia Carroll (Edie Bowprey)

1. Do you relate to your character? How similar/different are you?

Edie and I are a little similar when it comes to wanting things done our way and right away. My mom always had to remind me that, “the world does not revolve around Ana.” Haha.

2. What's your favorite line in the piece you're working on? Why?

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When Edie says, “No matter how bleak things seem, they could always be so much worse!” You never know what someone might be going through.

3. What are the challenges of performing for a filmed show versus a live one?

With live shows, you always have to remember to keep your voice up. I am soft spoken, so I always remind myself that the people in the back need to hear me just as well as those in the front!

4. What's your favorite winter beverage?

Good old fashioned Hot Chocolate

5. How did you get into theatre?

I always enjoyed creating characters and different voices and scenes with friends and with stuffed animals. One day, when I was a teen, I decided I wanted to act for a living. First, I had to work on my shyness.


Ana-Alicia Carroll (Edie Bowprey) - Ana-Alicia is so excited to be working with The Magnetic Theatre again! Her first performance on this stage was in Traitor and due to COVID-19, it was shut down after the opening weekend. For over 8 years she was involved with her local community theatre in The Bahamas, both onstage and behind the scenes.

Ana’s theatrical performances in the Bahamas include Raisin: The Musical, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Alice in Wonderland, A Christmas Carol: Scrooge, Bedtime Stories and several Bahamian written plays and short films.

Her U.S. performances include Trojan Women, Peter Pan, In the Next Room, training videos, voiceover and background work for television and film.

Ana’s hobbies are roller skating and hiking.

Aaron Ybarra (Drew Hunsler)

1. What is your favorite holiday and why?

I do really love Christmas. Bring on the joy factor!

2. Do you relate to your character? How similar/different are you?

Oh for sure. Here's a guy wanting to do his best. He's a little bit different, but he's trying.

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3. What's your favorite line in the piece you're working on? Why?

"Actually, model railway is a rapidly growing pastime." I don't know. It gets me every time. He's pressed against the wall and this is how he chooses to defend himself. It's so telling.

4. What's your favorite holiday season movie or play?

Arggg. Now you're playing hardball. I'm gonna go with "Emmet Otter's Jug-Band Christmas." My paternal grandma burned it onto a VHS when I was very young. Didn't see the very, very beginning til years later.

5. What are the challenges of performing for a filmed show versus a live one?

I love the energy of a live production, but I've done a bit of film before so bring it on!

6. What makes this experience special for you?

To get to work with Jess and Ana is so great. I'd worked with Ana at the beginning of the shutdown and Jess brought me into the Magnetic about that same time. It's so cool how life bookends itself like that. Plus, the writer is from SJC and I grew up in the adjoining city. Small world!

7. What's your favorite winter beverage?


8. How did you get into theatre?

I've always loved performing in one way or another. My sister teaches drama and ever since we were young, she's said I should do it. It took me a loooong time to get here, but now that I've arrived, it just feels like home.

9. How is working with The Magnetic different from working with other theatres?

I love the tenacity and ingenuity of the Magnetic. There is always so much going on. It has done so much during this shutdown time to keep creating. It's very inspiring, especially for all of those who also love to create. I give them major props!

10. Do you have any upcoming projects that we should check out?

I'm starting to learn trapeze, so you never know. Stay tuned.


Aaron Ybarra (Drew Hunsler) - Aaron is very grateful to be returning to work with the Magnetic during this Covid Season. He tips his hat to Ana, Jess, and Katie Jones and looks forward to taking on the New Year, whatever it may hold.

Getting through the HoliDaze is streaming virtually from The Magnetic Theatre in Asheville, NC December 17th-19th at 7:30pm! Grab your tickets here: https://app.arts-people.com/index.php?show=119167