An Interview With Playing With Our Food Actor Strother

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Meet Strother! He is one of our incredible actors and directors joining us for our next production of Playing With Our Food!

This production will be a live-streamed performance of a collection of four one-act plays, all dedicated to food, eating, and how weird it all is! All shows will feature Tabitha Judy, Strother Stingley, and Tippin.

Plays include 37 Scenes and a Watermelon by Ian Downes, Cookies for Bethany by Jackie Martin, Last Beans in the Box by Evan Baughfman, and Three Women and an Onion by Ryan Bultrowicz.

We reached out to Strother about what his experience has been like during this production!

1. How does your play (or a particular play in the case of an actor/director) reflect or not reflect your personal life philosophy?

Food is good but also sometimes bad.

2. What's your favorite line in your show? Why?

"Start at the start."

The character is trying to be helpful but is totally not so. Just kinda cracks me up.

3. Why choose this particular food as your play's focus?

Because being decisive is hard.

4. What inspired you to approach the subject matter the way you did?

I'm fortunate to have two very talented and accomplished artists in my quaranteam with me. Being able to stay safe AND do good work has been wonderful.

5. How did you get into theatre?

I accidentally auditioned for Camelot the musical when I was 14 and was cast as Merlin (despite being the youngest in the cast). I found a place that made sense (the theatre).

6. How is working with The Magnetic different from working with other theatres?

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I don't know how else to describe it besides: "The Mag as it exists these days is full of creativity and very unfull of BS. Feels very welcoming and inspiring."


Strother has a BA in Theatre Arts from FSU and roughly 15 years experience acting professionally. An actual Asheville native, he specializes in character roles and dialects and has performed a wide range of styles of theatre with a heavy lean towards comedies, musicals, radio theatre (touring with Immediate Theatre Project's version of It's A Wonderful Life), and improv (oy).

Playing With Our Food Shows March 18-20 & 25-27, Thursday-Saturday, 7:30 pm. Grab your tickets here 👉