The Shorthand Job opens on February 18th, 2022! In this show, Callie and Omar are a successful, middle-aged couple that have been married for years. Only, they haven’t been merry in years. For the record, they used to be quite happy but somewhere along the line, they stopped listening to their better voices. Therapy and counseling proved ineffective. Desperate, they decide they have no choice but to open up their marriage to someone who may be just their type. But of course, they aren’t married to the idea.
We reached out to Christine with a few questions about her and her experience working on this production.
1. What’s the best relationship advice you’ve ever been given or that you would like to give?
Attraction is a thing that happens to you. Love is a choice.
2. Do you relate to your character? How similar / different are you?
I like to think of myself as a fairly observant person, and that is a huge element of Alexa (Supreme). She sees and hears everything, and I can’t say I wouldn’t be tempted with the power that can be gained from such an advantage.
3. What are 5 songs that represent your character in this show?
Private Eyes by Hall and Oates, Paparazzi by Lady Gaga, I’m Not That Girl by Indina Menzel, The Humans are Dead by Flight of the Concords, Still Alive by Johnathan Coulton
4. How did you get into theatre?
My parents. Both are musicians, one symphonic one classic jazz based, so I grew up going to performances and meeting folks backstage.
5. How is working with The Magnetic different from working with other theatres?
Fresh ideas are able to really shine here, and the community has a strong base that I’ve come to trust and love. Though they be little, they be fierce! Also, the love of my life works here.
Chuffed to be back working with folks at the Magnetic, Christine is a local actor and costumer. Look out for her costume design work later this season in the Magnetic’s coproduction with the Nemesis Theater company in June!
The Shorthand Job runs February 18-20, 2022 at The Magnetic Theatre in Asheville, NC. Grab your tickets here: