An Interview With Wandering With Magnetic Actor Brooks Wallace

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Meet Brooks Wallace! He will be joining us for our next production, Wandering With Magnetic: something i cared about which follows the story of Alyx and Dru, as it unfolds throughout their lives, performed along the Reed Creek Greenway.

Audiences will walk the trail and see scenes of the same couple, played by a different pair of actors in each scene. We reached out to Brooks to tell us a bit about himself and about what his experience has been like during this production.

1. What is your favorite Asheville area walking trail/ greenway?

As a kid growing up in Asheville I’ve always been a huge fan of Carrier Park

2. Do you relate to your character? How similar/different are you?

Nico would belong in any of my friend circles, the playful teases and jabs he makes is all too familiar to real hangouts I’ve had before.

3. What's your favorite line in this show? Why?

“No one knows anything for sure, but we have each other. No risk, no reward.” 

In one of the more dire moments of a relationship, it’s easy to doubt the world. But I like to think that this line represents that last string of hope that it’s ok to take a leap of faith sometimes.

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4. What is one thing you’d be willing to give up for someone else?

Everyone has their vices they fall back on for what they might see at the time as some sort of safety or security. I’d like to think that if I was giving something up for someone, it would be for the betterment of all involved, to trust that giving that up meant I’d still be ok.

5. What are the biggest challenges of this rehearsal process?

This has been the first show that I’ve played around with online rehearsals, as much as I enjoy the opportunity these video calls bring I’m still much more of a fan of the real thing— just better energy in the performance.

6. What makes this experience special for you?

The set up of this show still has me in childlike wonder, I’m so excited to see how the audience likes this walk from scene to scene, even the choose your own ending has me giddy!

7. How did you get into theatre?

My interests were peaked back in high school, but professionally it was this very theatre that brought me out of my shell! The Magnetic Theatre has always and will always hold a special place in my heart.

8. How is working with The Magnetic different from working with other theatres?

I feel like the Magnetic is always experimenting and throwing new ideas at the wall, it’s always fun to see what comes next because it always seems uniquely tailored by their style, and what’s more “theatre” than that?


Brooks is excited to return to an in the flesh performance with The Magnetic Theatre! With history covering all genres like with ACTION MOVIE THE PLAY, The Horror Show, and Getting Through The Holidaze! He hopes everyone enjoys this outdoor experience with romantic drama galore!

Wandering With Magnetic: something i cared about shows February 27th-March 14th with staggered showings on Saturdays and Sundays. Grab your tickets here: