An Interview With Wandering With Magnetic Actor Jered Shults

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Meet Jered Shults! He will be joining us for our next production, Wandering With Magnetic: something i cared about which follows the story of Alyx and Dru, as it unfolds throughout their lives, performed along the Reed Creek Greenway.

Audiences will walk the trail and see scenes of the same couple, played by a different pair of actors in each scene. We reached out to Jered to tell us a bit about himself and about what his experience has been like during this production.

1. Do you relate to your character? How similar/different are you?

No not really. I would say I am someone who appreciates the outdoors from afar. So to be a trail guide and be out in nature is a change of pace for me.

2. What is one thing you’d be willing to give up for someone else?

A Klondike bar. It’s just an ice cream I never bought into the hype.

3. What makes this experience special for you?

I have done outdoor theater but never quite like this. I always like to be involved in new processes and ideas. I feel like this piece really can help to show the true intimacy of live theater.

4. How did you get into theatre?

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Sophomore year of Highschool. Oddly enough I took a Drama class and we were doing the improv section of the unit and it just felt right and never looked back from there.

5. How is working with The Magnetic different from working with other theatres?

I am happy to say that all the theaters I worked for are great so in that respect not so much. I do always like how original and unique the magnetic theater is. I have always been an outside of the box thinker but I am always amazed how the production I'm in challenges that notion.


Jered is a Western North Carolina Actor for about 7 years now. Jered graduated from Catawba College in Salisbury North Carolina. Jered has had honor of working with a number of theaters in the area. He has done shows with Parkway Playhouse, Montford Park Players, and is always excited to return to the Magnetic stage. Jered is also a stage combatant and fight choreographer for shows in Asheville as well.  Jered thanks you for coming to the show and supporting the Magnetic and live theater in these crazy times.

Wandering With Magnetic: something i cared about shows February 27th-March 14th with staggered showings on Saturdays and Sundays. Grab your tickets here: