
Magnetic Personalities: A Character Query

For each production at TMT, we like to ask our cast and crew members a few questions, so we and you can get to know them better! Some questions are standard. Some are specific to the show these folks are working on. Some are biographical, some are philosophical, and some are completely off the wall! But all of these questions provide a little insight into the wonderful artists that make up our Magnetic community.

See what these colorful creatives have to say, then grab your tickets and come see them in HappyLand, February 10th - 25th!

Today we’re wondering: Do you relate to your character or to any character in the show? How similar or different are you?


Elise Harvey, Actor

There are definitely days when I feel like I am the only person who seems distraught by and discontent with the world. I think I must be crazy since ‘everyone else’ seems to normalize and accept these explicit and implicit rules, norms, and expectations. However, my character is quite different as she is the one who feels like the only happy person amongst unhappy folks! Oh, Rhonda, you are an enigma to me…


Bill Chameides, Actor

Protagonist: lost, isolated, alienated but ready, at least in their dreams, to jump into the breach to save the world... and always dozing off at the wrong time. Yea, that's me.


Tippin, Set Designer

I relate most to one of Bill’s most spectacular characters. But in the interest of No Spoilers, ain’t gonna tell ya who or why.

Come see the show! ;P


Evan Eckstrom, Actor, Set Designer/Builder/Painter

Knifeguy is a complex individual. He just wants to help, but doesn't realize how close danger is at his very fingertips. A younger version of me relates to the reckless nature of Knifeguy's particular altruism.

Also the inner cynic in me feels in line with Sadland Tollbooth operator’s frank nature as well.


Jason Phillips, Director

Oddly I think I may be a little like Knifeguy. I try to be helpful and kind but my sarcastic tendencies and dry sense of humor often make people wonder if I’m sincere in my offers to help/befriend folks.


Quinn Terry, Actor

Knife Guy. I will not explain.


Dwight Chiles, Actor

I very much relate to my character. Sometimes I relate too much. It's easy to relate to the person who doesn’t feel like they "fit in" or doesn’t belong. Even the most confident people, I believe, can relate to that idea.


Will Miller, Musician, Smooth Goose

The protagonist, toxic positivity ain't my jam.


Zach Knox, Playwright, Musician, Smooth Goose

I’m a lot like the hipsters because everyone thinks they’re better than me.


Should we be worried that so many people relate to Knifeguy? Who IS this Knifeguy, and how on earth did he get the name?

You’ll just have to come see the show to find out. As Evan said, he’s a complex individual.

Magnetic Personalities: HappyLand Back Stories

For each production at TMT, we like to ask our cast and crew members a few questions, so we and you can get to know them better! Some questions are standard. Some are specific to the show these folks are working on. Some are biographical, some are philosophical, and some are completely off the wall! But all of these questions provide a little insight into the wonderful artists that make up our Magnetic community.

See what these colorful creatives have to say, then grab your tickets and come see them in HappyLand, February 10th - 25th!

Today we kept it simple: How did you get into theatre?


Bill Chameides, Actor

Growing up in NYC, my Dad ran a small theater group. My first theater experience: watching my father as Keller in All My Sons. I cried and theater has been in my blood ever since.


Morgan Miller, Actor

I went to a Magnet High School, where I “majored” in Theatre and was introduced to it as a career for the first time in my life, although I had always loved to sing.


Evan Eckstrom, Actor

3rd grade "All-Star Revue" in town I got cast as Peter Pan in "I Won't Grow Up" and I denied the role out of shyness. Been clamoring back into the spotlight since.


Jamie Knox, Choreographer

A traveling children's theatre held auditions in my home town and I got in.


Tiffanie Boone, Actor

I Watched a lot of musicals as a kid and in elementary school I saw my sister in South Pacific and thought “i wanna do that.”


Jason Phillips, Director

I loved the idea of being other people as a kid and whenever I had the chance to shed my shy side I would take a class or sign up for a talent show in school. I never really stopped.


Quinn Terry, Actor

My late grandmother signed me up for a summer theatre camp in Barnwell, South Carolina, near where I grew up. I was in third grade and absolutely terrified. I cried for weeks in terror as the camp approached. I had a small part, but something switched in me during that week. I was so excited to be able to be someone different on stage, and to work to improve for each show. I've been doing theatre ever since!


Dwight Chiles, Actor

My Dad introduced me to Musical Theatre via a DVD of Little Shop of Horrors and West Side Story and from then on...I was hooked.


Paula O’Brien, Actor

The nuns couldn’t put up with my brattiness any longer so they shoved me onto the school stage.


Zach Knox, Playwright, Musician, Sneaky Goose

The back door.


Oh, sheesh. Someone left the back door propped again. Do you want sneaky geese? Because that’s how you get sneaky geese.

Excuse us while we shoo this thing back out— but stay tuned for more quirky Q&A with these HappyLand hooligans!

Magnetic Personalities: HappyLand on Love at First Sight

For each production at TMT, we like to ask our cast and crew members a few questions, so we and you can get to know them better! Some questions are standard. Some are specific to the show these folks are working on. Some are biographical, some are philosophical, and some are completely off the wall! But all of these questions provide a little insight into the wonderful artists that make up our Magnetic community.

See what these colorful creatives have to say, then grab your tickets and come see them in HappyLand, February 10th - 25th!

Today we thought we’d get in the holiday AND HappyLand spirit, so we asked: Have you ever experienced love at first sight?


Sharvis Smith, Actor fruit ever!!


Will Miller, Musician, Smooth Goose

All the time in middle and high school, also when my wife walked up to me at a gig I was playing at the Biltmore Estate.


Gina McDaniel, Actor

Not exactly, but I have experienced a similar feeling. Four times upon meeting a person for the first time, I got the feeling that they would become a very important person in my life, and so far it's been right for every one of them. I ended up in love with three of them, and the fourth became one of my best friends.


Jason Phillips, Director

Love? Not so much. Unreasonable insane immediate attraction? You bet.


Evan Eckstrom, Actor, Set Designer/Builder/Painter

I saw my fiancee walk into a restaurant and smile. I asked my friends to give me 5 minutes. 6+ years later...


Elise Harvey, Actor

I am pretty sure I experience love at first sight every time I see a baby cow. It’s just a thing. They are unbearably adorable to me.


Bill Chameides, Actor

Yes. It was a disaster and ended with a very broken heart.


Quinn Terry, Actor

Yes, but not in a romantic sense! I met one of my oldest friends, Haley, in eighth grade on the stairs during recess and knew we'd be absolute menaces for years to come. Thirteen years later and we're still those weird goth kids when we get together.


Dwight Chiles, Actor

Love at first sight! I don’t know... Maybe? If I have, one side of the party didn’t know about it so nothing ever came from it.


Jamie Knox, Choreographer

I definitely knew I wanted to keep looking at Zach Knox at first sight


Zach Knox, Playwright, Musician, Smooth Goose

The first time I saw the woman who I’m now married to I knew she would be a major part of my life. She was smirking at me from a corner of the theatre with her leg jauntily propped against the wall. I thought she’d either be my nemesis or lover for life. And I was right.


Ah, love! And/or attraction! And/or infatuation! And/or imminent doom!

Whatever the outcome, there’s no doubt some people, places, and things have a strong, inexplicable sway over our hearts… and other things… like our stomachs!

And speaking of food love, don’t forget to visit our delicious friends at Hole Doughnuts this weekend to share some love with a fresh-fried fundraiser! Hole is sharing 10% of all sales February 17th through 19th with The Magnetic Theatre! Grab a donut and donate!

Magnetic Personalities: HappyLanders talk SPACE TRAVEL

For each production at TMT, we like to ask our cast and crew members a few questions, so we and you can get to know them better! Some questions are standard. Some are specific to the show these folks are working on. Some are biographical, some are philosophical, and some are completely off the wall! But all of these questions provide a little insight into the wonderful artists that make up our Magnetic community.

See what these colorful creatives have to say, then grab your tickets and come see them in HappyLand, February 10th - 25th!

Today we asked: If you could have your very own spacecraft, what would it be like? The Enterprise? The TARDIS? The Death Star? The Millennium Falcon? Where would you visit first?


Paula O’Brien, Actor

The Tardis! Love all that extra room indoors. I’d be happy to just get from one side of the earth to the other in a flash and not have to go through immigration control or baggage claim.


Jason Phillips, Director

I think I’d want something spacious like the Enterprise. I think being out in the cosmos would make one feel small and alone so having a spacecraft that emulated home would be comforting. Where would I go? Hmmm…beyond this galaxy in search of other life.


Gina McDaniel, Actor

My spaceship would definitely be a TARDIS, I would love the ability to time travel and not having to worry about storage space! The first place I would visit is Neptune, it's always been my favorite planet in the solar system.


Zack Knox, Playwright, Musician, Smooth Goose

It would just be a convertible with a bubble on top like in Calvin and Hobbes. I would sell it to Elon Musk for 44 billion dollars and just stay here on earth because space is big and cold and all my stuff is here.


Quinn Terry, Actor

This is going to be so boring...but I am terrified of space and the idea of space travel. I'm a simple soul. I like Earth. I have literally evolved to live here. There's a reason we can't breathe under water or out in space! Stay outta the ocean, and stay away from the cosmos. It's ok to appreciate things from the safety of land.


Dwight Chiles, Actor

Totally piloting the Tardis...and because of the timey wimey space travel...gonna go see all the Opening Night Performances of my favorite shows.


Sharvis Smith, Actor

The Fermata...would go to see music things around the world for however long we wanted.


Evan Eckstrom, Actor, Set Designer/Builder/Painter

Think much more capri sun commercial from the 90's meets classic Silver Surfer comics. Very mercurial goopy suit that allows me to slip thru the void like a cosmic whip crack. I'd head to the direct center of our sun. POOF!


Morgan Miller, Actor

My space ship would look like the Millennium Falcon but with puppies all over it and inside there is a special room full of puppies (well taken care of) that you can play with at anytime. I have no clue where I’d want to go, I struggle to pick a restaurant to eat at, much less a planet to visit- so maybe some light joy gliding?


Tiffanie Boone, Actor

My spacecraft would be giant versions of all my dogs strapped together but with compartments like a kangaroo, you know, for dog treats, and whatever else I need to stash on our space adventures.


We’re not sure about space ships made of dogs (or whether our dog-loving actors would team up for a celestial canine caravan), but we sure had fun imagining all the adventures we’d go on with this cast and crew. Everybody wave at Quinn and Zach when we blast off! And stay tuned for more fun Q&A with HappyLand!

A Chat With Alchemy Comedy Theatre Founder, Harrison Brookie

A Chat With Alchemy Comedy Theatre Founder, Harrison Brookie

Alchemy Comedy Theater founder Harrison Brookie has been performing in some version of a storytelling inspired improv show for almost a decade. He is currently on the cast of Alchemy's longest-running show, Local Legends.

Catch Harrison Brookie at venues across the east coast, and keep an eye out for details of next year’s Weekend of Love Improv Workshop Series and Shows!