An Interview With Bloodbath Actor Matilyn Hull

Meet Matilyn Hull, they are joining us for our next production of Bloodbath: Victoria’s Secret written and directed by Jamieson Ridenhour!

This production is about "Tori Piper," Victoria Leigh, who was once the darling of mid-to-late eighties low-budget horror—she was the go-to final girl of a dozen or so B-level slashers. Then she filmed the cult classic Sorority Bloodbath, a cinema verité horror film plagued by rumors of sinister occurrences on-set. Then she vanished, fueling a subset of fan conspiracy theories.

In 1999, Victoria Leigh is planning a quiet New Year’s Eve dinner with her girlfriend, but things aren’t working out. People keep showing up at the apartment, and some of them may have sinister intentions. Deadly intentions. Add in a crazed young wanna-be agent and Tori’s former lover / co-star who has hidden motivations of her own, and the pressure and terror mounts quickly for the former scream queen.

But as the night lengthens and the body count grows, more questions arise. Who is really the hunter and who the prey? And what really happened on the set of Sorority Bloodbath all those years ago? To what lengths will a final girl go to survive?

We reached out to Matilyn to tell us a bit about themselves and about what their experience has been like working on this production!

1. What's your favorite horror movie / book / podcast?

I watched Poltergeist in the 5th grade and haven't watched a scary movie since then. I'm embarrassed to say how truly terrified I am of horror movies. But, I do really enjoy Jamie's horror podcast, Palimpsest, and I was on a few episodes of the latest season.

2. Do you relate to your character? How similar / different are you?

Megan is fun to play. She's ambitious and optimistic, and I can relate to that. She's sincere and wants to believe the best in people until (literally) the last moment.

3. What are some of your favorite hobbies / activities that keep you feeling youthful?

I love dancing! I took ballet classes through undergrad and would love to get involved with a local studio soon.

4. What's your favorite kind of pizza?

The Veggie Delight from Fresh Wood Fired Pizza!

5. How did you get into theatre?

I signed up for theatre in high school to complete my arts credit. The thought of performing made me so anxious that my goal was to get by dancing in the background. I was lucky to have a theatre teacher who pushed me and believed in me - it felt really good to do something I was scared of!

6. How is working with The Magnetic different from working with other theatres?

Working with the Magnetic is a really collaborative experience! As an actor, I feel like my input is valued. It's always exciting to work on a piece's premiere as well, since you get to be the first person to bring a character to life.

7. Do you have any upcoming projects that we should check out?

In April 2022, I will be playing Jean in August: Osage County with Different Strokes! Performing Arts Collective.


Matilyn is excited to make her Magnetic debut! She is an Asheville local and could recently be seen tap dancing in Grimm’s Fairy Tales with Montford Park Players. Her favorite roles include Annelle in Steel Magnolias, Susan in Wait Until Dark, and Lindsay in Clybourne Park. Come see Matilyn in her next show, August: Osage County with Different Strokes! Performing Arts Collective. Thanks to Jamie and the team at Magnetic for welcoming her into this crazy, fun production!

Bloodbath: Victoria’s Secret is showing at The Magnetic Theatre in Asheville, NC October 15 - 30, 2021. Grab your tickets here: