An Interview With Bloodbath Actor Sonia D’Andrea

Meet Sonia D’Andrea, they are joining us for our next production of Bloodbath: Victoria’s Secret written and directed by Jamieson Ridenhour!

This production is about "Tori Piper," Victoria Leigh, who was once the darling of mid-to-late eighties low-budget horror—she was the go-to final girl of a dozen or so B-level slashers. Then she filmed the cult classic Sorority Bloodbath, a cinema verité horror film plagued by rumors of sinister occurrences on-set. Then she vanished, fueling a subset of fan conspiracy theories.

In 1999, Victoria Leigh is planning a quiet New Year’s Eve dinner with her girlfriend, but things aren’t working out. People keep showing up at the apartment, and some of them may have sinister intentions. Deadly intentions. Add in a crazed young wanna-be agent and Tori’s former lover / co-star who has hidden motivations of her own, and the pressure and terror mounts quickly for the former scream queen.

But as the night lengthens and the body count grows, more questions arise. Who is really the hunter and who the prey? And what really happened on the set of Sorority Bloodbath all those years ago? To what lengths will a final girl go to survive?

We reached out to Sonia to tell us a bit about themselves and about what their experience has been like working on this production!

1. What's your favorite horror movie / book / podcast?

Outside of the stage, I’m very selective with my horror intake - there’s some stuff you just can’t unsee! My favorite book was Jurassic Park, which might not technically be horror, but it sure felt like it as a ten year old reading about people being eaten alive by prehistoric monsters!

2. Do you relate to your character? How similar / different are you?

Alicia and I are total opposites - which makes her really fun to play! I like to think I’m fairly sound of mind, and I strive not to behave in ways that are harmful to others. Alicia has a slightly different approach to the world, to put it lightly. It’s actually very liberating to throw self-control out the window - but only in the safety of the stage, of course!

3. What's your favorite line in your show? Why?

It wouldn’t be fit to print! Alicia is not a soft-spoken individual.

4. What are some of your favorite hobbies / activities that keep you feeling youthful?

Long walks in beautiful fall weather, snuggles with my kitty (Balky Bartokomous), and making theatre!

5. What's your favorite kind of pizza?

Sausage, broccoli, and pineapple. Fight me!

6. How did you get into theatre?

When I was six, I visited my first Renaissance Festival. The Three Musketeers and a gorgeous villainess, dressed in scrumptious costumes and fully committed, transported me into a fairy tale world, and it clicked immediately: “I need this.” My first production was a few years later in the third grade (as a tree, I believe), and from that moment on, the stage was home.


Sonia has been performing on Asheville stages for the last twenty years, frequently seen with Different Strokes, the Montford Park Players, and here at the Magnetic. She is honored to be able to make art with others again in these crazy times. Enjoy the show, and thank you for supporting local theatre!

Bloodbath: Victoria’s Secret is showing at The Magnetic Theatre in Asheville, NC October 15 - 30, 2021. Grab your tickets here: