An Interview With In the Middle of Nowhere Actor Brandi Andrade

Meet Brandi Andrade, she is joining us for our next production of In the Middle of Nowhere written by Bret Murphy and directed by Katie Jones!

This production is about Cynthia Scott is a retired art professor who escapes to the Black Mountains of North Carolina after a harrowing experience in her "previous" life. Despite her fiercely independent nature, she eventually forms a relationship with Del, a young man who has recently been released from prison. They challenge each other in unexpected ways... but the question remains, will either of them accept forgiveness?

We reached out to Brandi to tell us a bit about themselves and about what their experience has been like working on this production! 

1. Have you ever felt like an outsider in society, or in a group that you’re expected to feel comfortable in? If so, why, and how did you cope?

I was raised in a conservative evangelical household, and all the other members of my family remain in that world; a world which, to my mind, has grown further and further from the values that were instilled in me as a child.  Because of this break with my family's religious/political views, I have become an outsider in my own family.  This has caused me great distress over the years, and, to be fair, I think it distresses them too.  I think we all try to cope by limiting our contact and focusing on the things we can agree on when we're together.  And forgiving each other when tempers flare up.  It's not easy.

2. Do you relate to your character? How similar / different are you?

I hope I am quite different from Raylean, in terms of her focus on money and the way she rushes to judgement and leaves no room for herself to grow as a person.  But I love how social and funny she is--I think I am these things, too!  I also admire that she is volunteering in her community (whatever her reasons might be...); I intend to follow her lead on that score.

3. What's your favorite line in your show? Why?

Raylean's insistence on getting Cynthia a dog tickles me.

4. Have you ever had a friendship or relationship that others might feel is odd or unconventional?

I'm quite good friends with my two cats, is that weird??  (I'm pretty sure they would confirm that...)

5. What do you think makes an artist truly gifted?

I think a truly gifted artist is so good at what they do that they transport us for a moment into the world they see.

6. Do you enjoy hiking, camping, or otherwise being in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by the outdoors? If so, why?

So I'm totally afraid of sn...(the "s" word), so I like to be in nature on *well-worn* trails and such, where...those creatures...are less likely to be.

7. How did you get into theatre?

Well, my grandpa took to calling me "Hollywood" when I was 2 years old, so I'm thinking it was maybe pre-ordained?  But I grew up in Hawaii where there was not much theatre, so I don't think I saw a play until high school.  In middle school, we were homeschooled and I wrote a Thanksgiving "play" for the six of us kids in our homeschool group (it involved time travel, and we recorded the "weed-whacker" as a sound effect for the time machine!).  I did my first real play in high school, and never looked back.  I've tried to quit a few times over the years, but I feel like a little part of my heart comes alive most fully when I'm telling stories.

8. How is working with The Magnetic different from working with other theatres?

After a year of not doing theatre, it feels like heaven!  I've felt very welcomed as a newcomer, and that has been so nice.

9. What, in your opinion, is the difference between religion and spirituality?

I think spirituality is about your relationship with God/the Universe/Higher Power, and the values that relationship causes you to try to embody in your life.  Religion is about groups of people who share a similar approach to spirituality, which is reaffirming; but defining the approach seems to lead to a set of rules and litmus tests that everyone in the group has to follow.  It doesn't leave a lot of room for individuality or even personal growth.

10. Do you have any upcoming projects that we should check out?

Not yet, but stay tuned!  You'll definitely be seeing me around.  My spouse, Jimmy, and I love this community and are delighted to be here!

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Brandi Andrade is a recent transplant from Texas, where she worked for over 30 years as a performer, director, dramaturg, administrator, and producer.  She has a Ph.D. in Theatre and American Women's History and taught full-time in the Theatre Arts and Women's Studies Departments of the University of Texas-Arlington.  Thanks to the miracles of technology, she is still teaching online courses there.  She does her commercial work through Screen Artists Talent.

In the Middle of Nowhere runs April 30th - May 16th grab your tickets here 👉