An Interview With In the Middle of Nowhere Actor Kay Galvin

Meet Kay Galvin, she is joining us for our next production of In the Middle of Nowhere written by Bret Murphy and directed by Katie Jones!

This production is about Cynthia Scott is a retired art professor who escapes to the Black Mountains of North Carolina after a harrowing experience in her "previous" life. Despite her fiercely independent nature, she eventually forms a relationship with Del, a young man who has recently been released from prison. They challenge each other in unexpected ways... but the question remains, will either of them accept forgiveness?

We reached out to Kay to tell us a bit about herself and about what her experience has been like working on this production!

1. Do you relate to your character? How similar / different are you?

I relate to Ms. Trudy since the age range is close, and we are both aging and doing our best to remain independent. Ms. Trudy likes to do what I like to do, hike! I love her open-mindedness also, which I believe I share too. Culturally of course we are very different since, despite over 30 years living in this region of Appalachia, I was born in the UK and lived there until my early 30s.

2. What's your favorite line in your show? Why?

I have so many favorite lines in this play (thank you Bret Murphy!) Here's one "My grandmother used to tell me "There's a world behind this world. You can see it if you put yourself right."

3. What do you think makes an artist truly gifted?

Emotional honesty.

4. Do you enjoy hiking, camping, or otherwise being in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by the outdoors? If so, why?

I love hiking, and hike as often as I can, weather permitting! I love to be "in the green", that time when all the leaves are back, and you seem enveloped by it all, and you're on a trail, and there is a silence, but for the birds, and rustling, and it seems that it's just you. It isn't of course. I am a visitor only. Many other species live where I hike. I like to touch the trees, and yes, sometimes I hug them! I hike year round, and every season has it's own particular beauty. Hiking is a healing and spiritual experience for me.

5. How did you get into theatre?

I was a late starter in my early 40s. It had been a childhood dream. I moved to Asheville in 1990, and just felt that it was time, and I began this amazing journey as an actor. I started taking lessons with Ralph Redpath at ACT, when he was artistic director there. I auditioned and performed in my very first play at ACT soon after. It seems that since then I haven't stopped! Better late than never.


This is Kay’s fourth show for Magnetic Theatre. She was last seen at Magnetic Theatre via Zoom in "Rosa & Leo, and pre-pandemic in "In a Clearing" and "Luna Gale". Kay has been fortunate to have had the opportunity to perform with many theatre groups in and around Asheville since her arrival here in 1990. 

A number of these opportunities have been with NCSTAGE, Immediate Theatre Company, Southern Appalachian Repertory, Different Strokes Performing Arts Collective, Haywood Arts Repertory, Montford Park Players, and ACT. Favorite roles are too many to list, but a handful that stand out are Mary in "Luna Gale" {Magnetic}, Her Ladyship “The Dresser” (NCSC), Gertrude “Hamlet” (NCSC), Grandma “Lost in Yonkers” (SART). 

Over the past five years Kay has been pursuing opportunities in TV and film with featured roles in "Stargirl", "The Passage", "Paradise Lost", "The Act", “House of Cards”, “Killing Reagan”, and “Swamp Murders”, in addition to several short independent films, industrial films, and commercials. Thanks to our director Katie Jones for bringing me back to my first love---live theatre!

In the Middle of Nowhere runs April 30th- May 16th grab your tickets here 👉