A Few Questions With Instructor Jamie Knox


Our next Magnetic U course, The Places and Ways to Find Your Plays, kicks off on October 14th. Taught by Jamie Knox, this class invites you to investigate different scenarios to get your story, culminating in a showcase. You will be pushed to use the old and the new and explore ways to channel your genius. Lastly, we will tackle motivation, best practices, and how to get out of your own way. We reached out to Jamie to tell us more about this course and about her work as a playwright.

1. You’re teaching our upcoming Magnetic U course, The Places and Ways to Find Your Plays. What do you hope students will take away from this course?

I hope they feel inspired and able to trust themselves and their creative outlets.

2. How did you get into theatre and specifically into playwriting?

Theatre was my escape in childhood. I did it a lot. And I studied it...a lot. I've always loved writing and I took an independent study course in college and wrote a screenplay. Then I just kept it up. Then I got good at it.

3. What projects are you currently working on?

I'm in final edits for a radio drama for Mars Hill University and have just been commissioned to write a 5 episode Sherlock Holmes for a local elementary school. I'm also working on two plays set to be completed in 2021 and one of them will have live music written by my husband. I also have another story that won't leave me alone. I might write that one if I get brave enough.

4. Any advice for aspiring playwrights?

Put "write night" on your calendar and then show up to it.

5. How is working with The Magnetic Theatre different from working with other theatres?

The Magnetic Theatre offers so much support and bright smiling faces for local artists. It's so important that this theatre thrives because it is welcoming, professional, and worthwhile.



Jamie Knox juggles writing plays with running a yoga business and wrangling a toddler. She’s a regular performer around town and will return to acting and directing after the world returns to normal (?). Past lives include playing Britany Spears for a comedy show as well as popping out of magician’s boxes and getting sawed in half, walk on film roles, improv comedy, and living in Hollywood, studying theatre with all the nerd she had in her-resulting in a Master’s degree in Theatre History, and teaching college and high school. Her plays have been read, workshopped, and produced, and her play The Education of Ted Harris won audience pick of 2019 for Mountain XPress. She was recently commissioned to write a radio play for Mars Hill University which will debut in October. She lives in Asheville, North Carolina with one husband, one dog, and one daughter.

Register for your spot in this course here: https://app.arts-people.com/index.php?class=magn 
And find out more about Jamie’s work here: jknoxcreative.com