A Few Questions with No More Waiting Actor Bill Chameides

No More Waiting is a show devised by the ensemble as part of The Cathedral of All Souls' Third Annual Lenten Arts Series showing on Sunday, April 3 at 4:00pm.

Every worker in this country will experience struggles within our capitalistic system. But what does it take to change that? Inspired by the Great Resignation Movement and recent worker strikes, experience stories of people who share one thing in common: a desire to see a kind and empathic workplace environment.

We reached out to Bill Chameides, a part of the ensemble to find out more about him and his experience working on this production.

1. What do you think audiences will be thinking about on the way home from this performance?

What was that about? In other words, it will make them think/ponder.

2. Do you feel that this performance is important given today’s social climate? Why?

Yes. Social and political change require mass action, and that in turn requires constant and repeated highlighting of our nation's social, political, and economic quandaries.

3. Do you relate to your character or to any character in the show? How similar / different are you?

My character is basically me, with a little extra edge of stridency.

4. How did you get into theatre?

My father ran a community theater in NYC and I wanted to be a part of that process ever since I was a wee one.

5. Do you have any upcoming projects that we should check out?

Milestones at SART; Recycled Nuts at MAGNETIC!!


Bill is jazzed to be walking the boards at Magnetic for the first time. Previous theater credits include: Asheville - The Winter’s Tale (Leontes), Comedy of Errors (Egeon), The Ballad of Romeo and Juliet (Preacher), Shakespeare in Love (Frees/Wabash);  Flagstaff Shakespeare Festival - Merry Wives of Windsor (Page), All’s Well That Ends Well (King), Fool For Love (Old Man), Titus Andronicus (Marcus); Off-Off-Broadway - As You Like It (Dukes Frederick and Senior), Rough Draft (The Writer); regional theater - Copenhagen (Niels Bohr), Much Ado About Nothing (Balthasar), Permanent Collection (Paul), The Trial of the Catonsville Nine (Daniel Berrigan), Love Letters (Allen M. Ladd III), Peachtree Battle (Sherwood). Movie credits include: Trois: The Escort and The Sugar Creek Gang. TV: American Detective. Bill holds a Ph.D. from Yale University, trained at the Lee Strasberg Theater and Film Institute and the American Globe Theater Conservatory. His artwork can be viewed at willcvision.com.

No More Waiting is showing at The Cathedral of All Souls' on Sunday, April 3 at 4:00pm. Streaming options are also available. Click here to learn more: https://bit.ly/3KwcOsr