A Few Questions With the Cast of Mackerel Sky

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During our first annual One Act Festival on June 19th, we’ll be hosting a live viewing party where you'll see a variety of new one act plays performed live, video recorded, or audio recorded. 

We reached out to a few of the actors of Mackerel Sky directed by Julia Christgau and written by Andrew Gallantabout what this experience has been like. 

Carin Metzeger (Victoria)

1. What are the challenges of performing under these circumstances? 

Some of the biggest challenges have to do with energetic connection - part of the miraculous, transformative effects of theatre are those moments where you literally feel the shifts in the room - between actors and the audience.  Some of the other challenges have to do with being your own lighting designer and camera operator - both of things are not exactly in my wheelhouse! 

2.  What have you found to be your biggest quarantine hobby? 

Although I certainly did this a lot before quarantine, hiking has been the thing that has kept me sane this spring! The ability to move in a forward direction when I don't know how to move forward in other things helps me process and think. And the views ain't bad 'round here. 

3. What makes you most excited about the One Act Play Festival?

I think I'm most excited to see these bite sized nuggets of theatre, and I think having a One Act Festival move forward, and admit the challenges of producing under very limited resources.  Getting to see the creative ways that people will work around these perceived limits will be an interesting and compelling additional element to already interesting scripts!I think it will allow people to explore their relationship to a different version of "live" theatre.

4. What is your favorite line from the one-act you’re performing in and why? 

"I'll remind myself that at least there's this ficus where my friend used to be.”

5. What makes this experience special for you?

In a time when a lot of people are forced to deal with some pretty big emotions, and a lot of grief, it's lovely to see this strong group of women explore the experience of grief - as characters and as actors.



Carin Metzger (Victoria) performs year-round in Asheville as Cookie Carter on LaZoom Comedy Bus Tours. Some recent highlights include Jeeves at Sea (Stella, NC Stage), As You Like It  (Rosalind, NC Stage) The Legacy of Amelia Aldean  (Amelia, The Magnetic Theatre) and WVL Presents: It’s a Wonderful Life  (Kitty, Evelyn; Immediate Theatre Project).

Patrice Foster (Angela)

1. What are the challenges of performing under these circumstances? 

There are many challenges performing under these circumstances. The most obvious is not being in the same physical space with your collaborators. Surprisingly though, there is more room for intimacy over video chat than I thought was possible.

2. What have you found to be your biggest quarantine hobby? 

Sleeping, haha! I've never been so well rested.

3. What makes you most excited about the One Act Play Festival? 

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I'm most excited to see the creativity involved in doing a one act play festival online. I'm also really excited about seeing what the other plays are about!

4. What is your favorite line from the one-act you’re performing in and why?  

"Fucking American Physco Robot Hitler." I love it because I definitely know some people like that and it is such a funny and quick witted line.

5. What makes this experience special for you? 

The play I'm in is really beautiful and relatable. Everyone is bringing their hearts to the piece and it's an honor to be a part of it.


Patrice Foster recently moved to Asheville from St. Louis, MO. She is an Assistant Professor of Theatre in Acting/Directing at Brevard College. Thanks so much to Julia for the opportunity!

Rebekah Babelay (Annie)

1. What have you found to be your biggest quarantine hobby? 

Art in all forms; reading, writing, films, painting, crocheting. 

2. What makes you most excited about the One Act Play Festival? 

The slice of life aspect. Viewers are able to gain the perspective and message from a variety of different short stories. And simultaneously fall in love with each one for the brief, precious time they're together.

3. What is your favorite line from the one-act you’re performing in and why?  

“There’s no reason you can’t” is my favorite line. It’s encouraging people to get to know each other and deepen their relationships even though their mutual connection is gone. It’s about bringing people together and remembering to unify during times of grief and processing. 

4. What makes this experience special for you? 


This story/script is incredibly important at time like this. Recognizing that everyone grieves regardless of age, race, orientation, religion. My hope is that this piece will unify viewers through a shared part of life we ALL experience. 


Rebekah Babelay was born and raised in Asheville and has been apart of their fine arts community since she was young. With experience ranging from theater & film to commercials, she’s excited to be apart of her first production with Magnetic!

Tickets are now on sale for our upcoming One Act Play Festival on June 19th! Grab yours here: https://app.arts-people.com/index.php?show=114699