A Few Questions With the Cast & Director of “Person Meditating Upon Madness”

One Act Play Festival - Person Meditating Upon Madness.png

During our first annual One Act Festival on June 19th, we’ll be hosting a live viewing party where you'll see a variety of new one act plays performed live, video recorded, or audio recorded. 

We reached out to the cast and director of Person Meditating Upon Madness written by David Hopes about what this experience has been like. 

Tippin (Director)

1. What do you think audiences will be left thinking about after experiencing the one-act you’re directing?  

I suspect they'll be thinking about a lot of different things, but I'm not sure I want to give any of that away...  No spoilers!  Tho I'd love to hear comments & questions after the viewing.

2. What does it mean to you to be a part of Magnetic’s first ever one act play festival?   

I feel so honored, for so many reasons.  To be asked to direct a David Hopes script is enough in itself, but to also be able to channel the challenges and surprises life has thrown at all of us lately into art, and to be supported by Katie and the rest of The Magnetic in exploring a form that is quite different from a traditional staged production.

3. What challenges are you facing bringing the piece you’re directing to life?   

Well, I probably don't even need to mention how much fun it is trying to rehearse on video chat with lag times and mics cutting out and whatnot.  (Insert eye-roll emoji here.)  But particular to this piece is the challenge of figuring out the playwright's intentions, message, or point.  "If point there be," to quote from the script.  Anyone who's seen a David Hopes play knows there's often more than meets the eye, so working with the actors to suss out some of the key ideas and subtle insinuations of the dialogue has been an enjoyable puzzle to play with.  Also, see the next question…

4. Are there any unique elements you’re now able to bring to your piece that you wouldn’t have been able to under usual circumstances?   

Animation!  Did I mention that with all the social distancing stuff, actors being unable to get within six feet of one another, I decided to turn them into cartoons?  Yep.  Can't do that in a traditional theatre setting, that's for sure!

5. What’s your favorite line from the one act you’re directing and why?   

"It’s a ko-an. The visual equivalent of one hand clapping. The turbulence that brings peace."  One of the characters, Reynard, says this about the art of René Magritte.  I think I like this one especially because it's an eloquent description, which I happen to agree with.  Great art is often challenging, even contradictory, and inspires us to see or think about the world just a little bit differently.


Tippin has worked with The Magnetic for four years, as an actor, dramaturg, and box office manager; has acted, stage managed, props mastered, and tech directed with a half dozen other Asheville theatre companies since 2013; and now dives into the waters of sound and visual design and animation with their directorial debut.

Tabitha Judy (Lily Sackville)

1.  What are the challenges of performing under these circumstances?

My biggest was not being able to respond and get response in real time - acting with zoom lag (or Meet or even phone lag) is tough with a script full of conversational banter.

2.  What have you found to be your biggest quarantine hobby?

Building things - 2 bookcases, a Bunraku puppet, a box fan curio cabinet, a shoe rack - and home improvements - extremely busy wallpaper and entirely pink room, goodbye!

3.  What makes you most excited about the One Act Play Festival?

Working with great people is always my favorite part, but finding so much in 15 pages - I just want people to see, again, how brilliant David Hopes is. 

4.  What is your favorite line from the one-act you’re performing in and why?

"I like to be encouraged to progress." It's such a great sentiment that can only be made as hindsight. And I agree, I love having grown!

5.  What makes this experience special for you?

Probably that I was inspired to look at some art just to ponder it. I also got to talk about some serious, meaningful ideas through the script with some pretty smart people, which was great after the oddest ending of the school year I've experienced.


Tabitha Judy (Lily Sackville) has been living, teaching, and performing in WNC for over 20 years. This is her second production with The Magnetic! When not on the stage, Tabitha is known as Ms. Judy, as she teaches English and theatre arts at Pisgah High School in Canton.

Jon Stockdale (Reynard Richard)

1.  What are the challenges of performing under these circumstances?

Specifically, lack of eye contact, and more generally, lack of physical presence of the other actors and an audience. There are lots of types of interaction that just can't happen over Zoom or a phone call, and that interaction is what I value most about theater. But I've never done voiceover before, and it was fun to try something new, with new constraints and challenges!

2.  What have you found to be your biggest quarantine hobby?

Jigsaw puzzles! I find them very calming, and we all need a little calm nowadays.

3.  What makes you most excited about the One Act Play Festival?

It's inspiring to me that folks are still creating theater and theater-adjacent pieces, even with our current limitations. I'm excited to see the cool ideas people came up with!

4.  What is your favorite line from the one-act you’re performing in and why?

"THE LION'S MANE." You'll see.

5.  What makes this experience special for you?

The two people I worked with. Tippin's wonderful and it's been too many years since we last worked together. And I'd never acted with Tabitha before, but she was a delight--it's always great to meet (or "meet") new talented, intelligent performers.


Jon Stockdale last appeared at the Magnetic as Cliff in Luna Gale. He's excited to try his hand at voiceover for the first time! Some of his favorite past roles include Sicinius in Coriolanus with Nemesis Theatre Company, Hamlet in Hamlet and Camillo/Clown in 16 Years Tried with the Montford Park Players, Danny in The Submission with Different Strokes!, Roland in Constellations at 35below, and Oliver and Silvius in As You Like It with NC Stage.

Tickets are now on sale for our upcoming One Act Play Festival on June 19th! Grab yours here: https://app.arts-people.com/index.php?show=114699