An Interview With Playwright Evan Baughfman

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Meet Evan Baughfman! He is one of our amazing playwrights of one of the four one acts being performed in our current production of Playing With Our Food!

This production will be a live-streamed performance of a collection of four one-act plays, all dedicated to food, eating, and how weird it all is! All shows will feature Tabitha Judy, Strother Stingley, and Tippin. 

Plays include 37 Scenes and a Watermelon by Ian Downes, Cookies for Bethany by Jackie Martin, Last Beans in the Box by Evan Baughfman, and Three Women and an Onion by Ryan Bultrowicz. 

We reached out to Evan about what his experience has been like during this production! 

1. Do you relate to your characters? How similar / different are you?

Like Booger, I am curious about the world. But, like Vomit, I don't condone cannibalism.

2. What's your favorite line in your show? Why?

"For the love of Bott, no!" These pieces of candy constantly refer to their maker like he's some kind of deity or higher power. It's like worshiping Willy Wonka. I thought this idea was funny and ran a little wild with it.

3. Why choose this particular food as your play's focus?

I enjoy giving voice to characters who I haven't seen portrayed on stage before. I wondered what it must feel like to be a disgusting, unwanted piece of food, and these vile jellybeans came to life inside my mind!

4. What inspired you to approach the subject matter the way you did?

When writing about dark subject matter, it's always best to inject some humor into the situation. I try to balance out moments of horror with laughs. Hopefully, it makes the work more accessible--and entertaining!--for audience members.

5. What makes this experience special for you? What has been the most enjoyable aspect of this process?

Because this will be performed virtually, I'll get to see the performance from the comfort of home! Often times, I can't travel to see my shows in-person, so this is a real treat!

6. How did you get into theatre?

I acted in, wrote, and directed murder mystery dinner theatre shows at University of Redlands as fundraisers for local charities.

7. How is working with The Magnetic different from working with other theatres?

I don't often have my work performed on the East Coast, so this is an exciting opportunity!

8. Do you have any upcoming projects that we should check out?

I'm always writing new plays and short stories. Please, follow me on social media to be up-to-date on everything! (Instagram: @Agent00evan_716, Facebook: Evan Baughfman)


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Evan Baughfman is a middle school teacher and author. Much of his writing success has also been as a playwright. He’s had many different plays produced across the globe. A number of his scripts are published by YouthPLAYS, Heuer Publishing, Next Stage Press, and Drama Notebook. He is a theater company member with Force of Nature Productions of Burbank, CA. Evan also writes horror fiction and screenplays. His first collection of short stories, THE EMACIATED MAN AND OTHER TERRIFYING TALES FROM POE MIDDLE SCHOOL, is available through Thurston Howl Publications. More information is available at

Playing With Our Food Shows March 25-27, Thursday-Saturday, 7:30 pm. Grab your tickets here πŸ‘‰