An Interview With Wandering With Magnetic Actor Devin Bryant Stevens

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Meet Devin Bryant Stevens! They will be joining us for our next production, Wandering With Magnetic: something i cared about which follows the story of Alyx and Dru, as it unfolds throughout their lives, performed along the Reed Creek Greenway.

Audiences will walk the trail and see scenes of the same couple, played by a different pair of actors in each scene. We reached out to Devin to tell us a bit about themselves and about what their experience has been like during this production.

1. What is your favorite Asheville area walking trail/ greenway?

I'm not telling you because it's one that few people frequent, and I'd like to keep it that way.

2. Do you relate to your character? How similar/different are you?

I am most like Alyx in that I am a very methodical planner. I'd say I am even an over planner. I plan to plan things. Bu I will say as I am getting older, I am learning to be okay with not being in total and complete control, not having everything go perfectly according to plan, and am realizing that that's when the most fun happens.

3. What's your favorite line in this show? Why?

"Lille. Nice town. Not as big as Paris. It's just - Lille" because that is exactly the type of terrible dad joke that I am often accused of making.

4. What is one thing you’d be willing to give up for someone else?

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Making terrible dad jokes, or at least trying to.

5. What are the biggest challenges of this rehearsal process?

I know everyone is gonna have this answer, but it's definitely gotta be trying to rehearse over Zoom. You gotta be super conscious with the audio and trying to not talk over each other, which presents an interesting challenge when the script calls for you to talk over each other. And there is just that element of trying to have a genuinely real moment(s) with another person that gets a little dampened through an electronic screen.

6. What makes this experience special for you?

I think one thing I've learned about myself throughout the challenge of this past year is how much I hold myself back from doing things because I get discouraged that they might not be perfect or I get afraid that I might not be good enough and fail. I had stepped away from performing for quite a few years and told myself, "Oh I'll get back into when I feel ready, or when I lose a few pounds, or when I have a more compatible work schedule." Those were all just BS excuses I used to avoid being disappointed, but if you want something bad enough, you gotta go for it, and you gotta for it NOW, because opportunities that are here today are in no way guaranteed for tomorrow. It truly is better to have tried and failed than to have never tried at all, and being cast in this play is a direct result of me learning about and overcoming this perfectionism streak that I have that only causes me to miss out on some amazing experiences.

7. How did you get into theatre?

I went to see my first play when I was in 5th grade (The Sound of Music) and I knew from that moment on, there was nothing else for me.

8. How is working with The Magnetic different from working with other theatres?

I love that Magnetic holds space specifically for original productions that are most often born out of the incredible and unique theatre community that Asheville is so lucky to have. It feels very cavalier and invigorating to be performing a work that has never been done before.

9. Do you have any upcoming projects that we should check out?

No, but keep an eye out for me ;)


Devin is incredibly excited and thankful to call "something i cared about" his first show with the Magnetic Theatre. Born and raised in Southwest Virginia, Devin studied theatre at the Barter Conservatory at Emory & Henry College, and has performed on and off stage at regional and community theatres throughout the Southeast. Favorite past roles include Billy in Anything Goes, Man 2 in Songs for A New World, Peter Patrone in The Heidi Chronicles, Boris Kolenkhov in You Can't Take It With You, as well as various roles in The Laramie Project. Special thanks to Travis, Jamie, and Jason for this amazing pandemic-defying play!

Wandering With Magnetic: something i cared about shows February 27th-March 14th with staggered showings on Saturdays and Sundays. Grab your tickets here: