An Interview With Wandering With Magnetic Actor Locksley Blanchard

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Meet Locksley Blanchard! He will be joining us for our next production, Wandering With Magnetic: something i cared about which follows the story of Alyx and Dru, as it unfolds throughout their lives, performed along the Reed Creek Greenway.

Audiences will walk the trail and see scenes of the same couple, played by a different pair of actors in each scene. We reached out to Locksley to tell us a bit about himself and about what his experience has been like during this production.

1. What is your favorite Asheville area walking trail/ greenway?

Carrier Park

2. Do you relate to your character? How similar/different are you?

Very similar. Impulsive, adventurous and a romantic.

3. What's your favorite line in this show? 

Alyx! You are blowing so hard right now. Perfect!

4. What is one thing you’d be willing to give up for someone else?

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My possessions

5. What are the biggest challenges of this rehearsal process?


6. What makes this experience special for you?

Working with my favorite person.

7. How did you get into theatre?

My first community show was the Wizard of Oz. I was the Tinman.

8. How is working with The Magnetic different from working with other theatres?

The variety of work and use of local playwrights.

9. Do you have any upcoming projects that we should check out?

Not yet!


This is my 3rd endeavor with the Magnetic Theater. Excited for more fun projects to come. Graduated from UNC Chapel Hill with a degree in Dramatic Arts and History. Been in productions for most of my life in some way. Thanks to my family and friends for their constant support.

Wandering With Magnetic: something i cared about shows February 27th-March 14th with staggered showings on Saturdays and Sundays. Grab your tickets here: