An Interview With Wandering With Magnetic Actor Heather Nicole Bronson

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Meet Heather Nicole Bronson! She will be joining us for our next production, Wandering With Magnetic: something i cared about which follows the story of Alyx and Dru, as it unfolds throughout their lives, performed along the Reed Creek Greenway.

Audiences will walk the trail and see scenes of the same couple, played by a different pair of actors in each scene. We reached out to Heather to tell us a bit about herself and about what her experience has been like during this production.

1. Do you relate to your character? How similar/different are you?

I feel like I relate to both Alyx and Dru equally. I play Dru, who is more of a free spirit than Alyx.  I definitely share Dru's fire and desire for adventure. But I'm also a lot like Alyx in that I like things to be structured and organized. Who says you can't be both wild and straight laced?!

2. What is one thing you’d be willing to give up for someone else?

I tend to be very adamant about doing what I want and making my own decisions. However, if my partner or immediate family asked me to give up alcohol because they weren't comfortable being around it, I would immediately agree to do so.

3. What makes this experience special for you?


I am so excited about this show because it is the first show I auditioned for in nearly two years. I've been a part of a few small projects and shows by invitation, but haven't had the courage to put myself out there in quite some time. I needed a bit of a break, but the pandemic extended it quite a bit. It feels good to be back in the game. I also just really love the intentional inclusivity of this play!

4. How is working with The Magnetic different from working with other theatres?

I really enjoy working with The Magnetic because it is a truly collaborative experience. It feels special as an actor to truly feel like you are part of the creative process and not just a puppet!

5. Do you have any upcoming projects that we should check out?

I will be appearing in Love, SART, a virtual concert with the Southern Appalachian Repertory Theatre. I am appearing with my boyfriend Andy, who is also a part of "something i cared about!”


Heather Nicole Bronson is excited to work with The Magnetic Theatre again. She has been seen previously as Eli in "The Misanthrope" and as Heather in the virtual production of "Dry Weather Wind." She received her BFA in musical theatre from Mars Hill University in 2014 and has been active in the WNC theatre community since. Favorite roles include Ruby in "Dames at Sea" and Little Red Riding Hood in "Into the Woods." In her spare time, she enjoys learning to play new instruments and petting dogs.

Wandering With Magnetic: something i cared about shows February 27th-March 14th with staggered showings on Saturdays and Sundays. Grab your tickets here: