Beautiful Cages is showing September 9-24, 2022! We reached out to Gaia Eggert to find out more about her and her experience working on this production.
Beautiful Cages is showing September 9-24, 2022! We reached out to Brandi Andrade to find out more about her and her experience working on this production.
Beautiful Cages is showing September 9-24, 2022! We reached out to David Mycoff to find out more about him and his experience working on this production.
Beautiful Cages is showing September 9-24, 2022! We reached out to Ruth McLoughlin to find out more about her and her experience working on this production.
Obstructure, a collaboration between Anam Cara Theatre and The Magnetic Theatre opens on August 12th! We sat down with The Magnetic Theatre’s Co-Artistic Director Katie Jones to talk about this production.
A collaboration with Anam Cara Theatre Company, Obstructure opens on August 12th! We reached out to Zoe Hawkins-Wells to find out more about them and what working on this unique production has been like.
A collaboration with Anam Cara Theatre Company, Obstructure opens on August 12th! We reached out to Stephanie Nusbaum to find out more about her and what working on this unique production has been like.
A collaboration with Anam Cara Theatre Company, Obstructure opens on August 12th! We reached out to Molly Graves to find out more about her and what working on this unique production has been like.
A collaboration with Anam Cara Theatre Company, Obstructure opens on August 12th! We reached out to Jen Russ to find out more about her and what working on this unique production has been like.
A collaboration with Anam Cara Theatre Company, Obstructure opens on August 12th! We reached out to Missy Bell to find out more about them and what working on this unique production has been like.
Starbright is showing at The Magnetic Theatre in Asheville, NC May 6-22, 2022! We reached out to actor Courtney DeGennaro Robinson to find out more about herself and her experience working on this production.
Starbright is showing at The Magnetic Theatre in Asheville, NC July 8 - 23, 2022! We reached out to Ashleigh Goff, this production's director to find out more about herself and her experience working on this production.
Starbright is showing at The Magnetic Theatre in Asheville, NC July 8 - 23, 2022! We reached out to actor Scott Voloshin to find out more about himself and his experience working on this production.
Starbright is showing at The Magnetic Theatre in Asheville, NC July 8 - 23, 2022! We reached out to Skyler Goff, our dramaturg for this production to find out more about himself and his experience working on this production.
Starbright is showing at The Magnetic Theatre in Asheville, NC July 8 - 23, 2022! We reached out to actor Janet Oliver to find out more about herself and her experience working on this production.
Starbright is showing at The Magnetic Theatre in Asheville, NC July 8 - 23, 2022! We reached out to playwright Sean David Robinson with a few questions.
Midsummer for Haters is showing June 3-18, 2022! We reached out to actor Paul Vonasek to find out more about him and his experience working on this unique production!
Midsummer for Haters is showing June 3-18, 2022! We reached out to actor Molly Graves to find out more about her and her experience working on this unique production!
Midsummer for Haters is showing June 3-18, 2022! We reached out to director Melon Wedick to find out more about her and her experience working on this unique production!
Midsummer for Haters is showing June 3-18, 2022! We reached out to actor Lauren Otis to find out more about her and her experience working on this unique production!